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The Wyoming Innovation Partnership (WIP) is focused on key metrics, data, and outcomes. This data-driven approach has been used to guide decisions that support solidifying transformational strategies to help Wyoming and our communities thrive long-term and realize a return on investment.


In addressing the dynamic landscape of the digital economy, the Wyoming Innovation Partnership (WIP) is at the forefront of fostering a highly skilled workforce through efforts geared toward digital infrastructure and technology. Recognizing the imperative need for education and training in this evolving domain, WIP has taken significant strides, exemplified by the establishment of the School of Computing at the University of Wyoming, which actively engages students from elementary school onward. 


The agriculture industry is a primary driver of Wyoming’s economy. The WIP initiative is helping establish new programs and facilities, advancing areas such as controlled environment agriculture (CEA) and precision agriculture. These industry innovations are ushering in the exploration of high-yield food production and building out the state’s CEA business network and education partners, further developing opportunities for Wyoming to grow its workforce and capacity for sustainability into the future.


Through the WIP, Wyoming is enhancing its educational pathways to address the growing and evolving energy industry, particularly in electrical and instrumentation training. With an aging workforce nearing retirement and the rise of new energy initiatives like nuclear energy and carbon capture, Wyoming has expanded training programs to equip future employees with essential skills. These initiatives highlight Wyoming’s commitment to growing a skilled workforce capable of advancing both traditional and innovative energy sectors.


Entrepreneurship is a vital component of Wyoming’s economy. The WIP serves as a vital force in guiding entrepreneurship and innovation across the state by providing support for both the existing workforce and fostering new business sectors. Several new and continuing programs are benefitting from the WIP’s commitment to diverse educational pathways for future entrepreneurs statewide.


Expanding healthcare education through key initiatives at community colleges across the state is a major component of the WIP. These efforts aim to strengthen the healthcare workforce within the state while also enhancing the quality of care and caliber of home-grown Wyoming professionals.


Wyoming’s hospitality and tourism industry plays a large role in the state’s economy. By expanding short-term certificates, improving tourism and hospitality training coordination, and promoting statewide information sharing, the WIP aims to strengthen Wyoming’s offerings, especially in high-tourism areas and regions with workforce challenges. This initiative goes beyond traditional hospitality education, incorporating elements such as trail building, mountain biking, outdoor adventure, craft brewing, agritourism, event planning, anthropology, and search and rescue.


Manufacturers across Wyoming face a critical need for a modern, well-trained workforce. Alongside new or strengthened advanced manufacturing programs, partnerships with local manufacturers have also been established to identify workforce needs and develop targeted curricula. Utilizing the support of the WIP, these programs focus on enhancing skill-based training for manufacturing companies, providing agile resources to upskill the current workforce, and preparing students for future demands. This support enables Wyoming businesses to adapt and meet evolving workforce requirements efficiently.


The Workforce Development programs under the WIP support students from recruitment to job placement, encompassing various training certificates, degree programs, apprenticeships, and internships. These programs are designed to identify community needs and adapt efficiently to address workforce gaps, ensuring that Wyoming’s industries have a steady supply of skilled workers.


Phase II saw the integration of virtual reality spanning across all categories of the WIP, providing additional tools to engage students and extending the reach of educational programs to site-bound students. In the first year of implementation, 47 courses incorporated virtual reality with over 2,100 students in both postsecondary and K-12 being impacted by VR technology. In May 2024, a VR training was attended by 160 faculty and staff from all nine colleges. Looking ahead, an additional $1 million of WIP funds will be invested into over 17 new projects across the state, including several multi-institution collaborative projects that will further expand the reach of this technology.